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Love in the Time of COVID 19

So the global pandemic COVID 19 (a form of coronavirus) is sweeping the nation and everyone is panicking. People are buying up groceries and hard goods like they are prepping for the end times, and there is a generally apocalyptic feel in the air no matter where you go. The virus poses the greatest threat to infants, the elderly, and those with autoimmune diseases and deficiencies. The fun part is that this is the time of year when the state fills to the brim with old folks from cold states. So anywhere you go in Arizona right now, you can find elderly Minnesotans hording toilet paper and bread. The real fun connection is this one: severely religious people are largely responsible for electing Trump (despite his utter lack of ability to worship anything other than his own ego, and his obvious lack of moral fiber), and the Trump administration has fumbled this health emergency in big, dumb, obvious ways. Now we are facing a much larger risk than we would if we lived in a country wit...

This Guy

One of the many problems I face as an adult is weekend time management. In many ways, the very sarcastic and pessimistic view I had of adulthood as a teenager is correct. You work really hard so you can have barely any time to enjoy yourself on the weekend. Then the weekend comes and there's all this pressure to have fun, accomplish a lot, and not get behind in all the behind-the-scenes teaching bullshit for which we are not compensated (grading, planning, etc.). I firmly believe there are two kinds of people: 1) those whose natural state is at work, and 2) those whose natural state is at rest. I am of the latter variety. This being the case, when I'm getting things done on the weekend, I worry that I'm not relaxing enough. When I'm relaxing, I worry that I'm not wasting time on the right things or in the right way. When I play a video game, I worry that I might be better off playing something different instead. When I watch videos, I worry that I should be watchi...

Honestly, though

I still keep finding myself having urges to return to f***book, just to see what's happening. Did anyone post anything funny? Did anyone post any political statements I disagree with? I still feel the draw to regular social media because over the past decade I've trained my brain to rely on it as a means of passing the time and as a false way of feeling like I am still in contact with people I haven't seen in a decade or more. I am a product. Everyone I know is a product. We are bought and sold on a daily basis. I hate this fact, and so I run from it. And yet I don't want to be a digital hermit. Perhaps the solution lies with real life friends and real life. But who has time for those? I have netflix to binge.

Hey People

Did you find this blog yet? Are you disappointed? I know I'm not. I might be drunk right now, but at least I'm not the one looking up blogs which I was promised by the author would be disappointing. Grammar? Who needs it?

The only reason

we go to parent teacher conferences is to hear other adults confirm what we already know to be true:  our children are brilliant and delightful to be around. I often forget to lay it on thick for the parents of delightful children in my parent-teacher conferences. I need to remember to do that because it is one of the most delightful aspects of being the parent of high achieving children.