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This Guy

One of the many problems I face as an adult is weekend time management. In many ways, the very sarcastic and pessimistic view I had of adulthood as a teenager is correct. You work really hard so you can have barely any time to enjoy yourself on the weekend. Then the weekend comes and there's all this pressure to have fun, accomplish a lot, and not get behind in all the behind-the-scenes teaching bullshit for which we are not compensated (grading, planning, etc.).

I firmly believe there are two kinds of people: 1) those whose natural state is at work, and 2) those whose natural state is at rest. I am of the latter variety. This being the case, when I'm getting things done on the weekend, I worry that I'm not relaxing enough. When I'm relaxing, I worry that I'm not wasting time on the right things or in the right way. When I play a video game, I worry that I might be better off playing something different instead. When I watch videos, I worry that I should be watching something else. Nothing ever feels right. Everything feels like a bit of a hassle. I know this is the ultimate first world problem (not knowing how to maximize my leisure time) but it legitimately sucks.


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