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Showing posts from February, 2020

Honestly, though

I still keep finding myself having urges to return to f***book, just to see what's happening. Did anyone post anything funny? Did anyone post any political statements I disagree with? I still feel the draw to regular social media because over the past decade I've trained my brain to rely on it as a means of passing the time and as a false way of feeling like I am still in contact with people I haven't seen in a decade or more. I am a product. Everyone I know is a product. We are bought and sold on a daily basis. I hate this fact, and so I run from it. And yet I don't want to be a digital hermit. Perhaps the solution lies with real life friends and real life. But who has time for those? I have netflix to binge.

Hey People

Did you find this blog yet? Are you disappointed? I know I'm not. I might be drunk right now, but at least I'm not the one looking up blogs which I was promised by the author would be disappointing. Grammar? Who needs it?

The only reason

we go to parent teacher conferences is to hear other adults confirm what we already know to be true:  our children are brilliant and delightful to be around. I often forget to lay it on thick for the parents of delightful children in my parent-teacher conferences. I need to remember to do that because it is one of the most delightful aspects of being the parent of high achieving children.

Did You Know?

Fun fact: congress just made crime legal. Of course you have to be a pathological megalomaniacal douchebag to qualify for this new entitlement program, but it's nice to see us finally letting go of old, outdated nonsense like truth, justice, and the American way. Checks and balances? Don't need 'em. If we did, they would be in the constitution. Oh, that old rag. When will Mitch McConnell be done wiping his ass with it? But on a serious note: if any of my posterity have the particular brain disorder which might cause them to ever be bored enough to read these words, just know that I always hated donald trump. I hated him as a citizen, and I loathe him as our *urp* president. Makes me wish that god and hell were real so the one could send him to the other.

For Whom The Bell Tolls

Kobe Bryant is dead, and he was a selfish basketball player who ran multiple teammates out of town. I always hated watching him play the Suns. Also, it really seems like he raped that girl. Anyway, he's dead now and people who never saw him play are mourning him day and night. Terry Jones died. As a member of Monty Python he brought joy to the hearts of millions. Also, nobody is talking about him because Kobe eclipses everything.