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Did You Know?

Fun fact: congress just made crime legal. Of course you have to be a pathological megalomaniacal douchebag to qualify for this new entitlement program, but it's nice to see us finally letting go of old, outdated nonsense like truth, justice, and the American way. Checks and balances? Don't need 'em. If we did, they would be in the constitution. Oh, that old rag. When will Mitch McConnell be done wiping his ass with it?

But on a serious note: if any of my posterity have the particular brain disorder which might cause them to ever be bored enough to read these words, just know that I always hated donald trump. I hated him as a citizen, and I loathe him as our *urp* president. Makes me wish that god and hell were real so the one could send him to the other.
