Up until a couple of days ago, Arizona was a mild COVID-19 risk. We had a few cases, and no deaths. Yesterday we had our first death. It wasn't anyone I know, and it wasn't anyone at all similar to me (aside from geographic location), but somehow knowing that this disease has killed someone in my state makes it real. I don't want this to be real. In many ways, I wish Trump was right when he made the inane and unsupported claim that the heat of April might make all of this blow away. Let the record show: he has done a piss poor job of handling this crisis. He has repeatedly lied about the severity of the threat we face, has bandied unscientific and unsupported claims about, and has always seemed to care more about a) the pandemic's effect on the economy, and 2) the pandemic's effect on the stock market more than he cares about Americans dying. He is a megalomaniac and an asshole, and I hope history bears those two truths out. Anyway, back to the lecture at hand. We...